Sunday, 10 August 2014

Post Op: Day 66

So, you may have noticed that my updates aren't as frequent, but that's because things have slowed down. There's not too much more to say at the moment. Pain isn't really there at all, neither is discomfort. Everything feels ok!

Two months on and we're nearly there with it all. Chewing is improving so I am nearly back to normal with the eating. The left side of my mouth is getting stronger so I can eat most things apart from hard toffees or anything too crispy. On the right side, my teeth aren't touching still, but they're slowly improving.

This week, I visited the orthadontist and it was good news. I don't have to go back for a month and hopefully when I do return they'll give me the go ahead for getting the braces off. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping that these elastics do their magic over the next few weeks.

I'll keep you updated with the next bit of news I hear. Let me know if you have any questions - I'm happy to help.
Thanks for reading!