Monday, 10 November 2014

The Grand Reveal: Day 148

Hello everyone! I can't believe I haven't posted since August - sorry! However, nothing much happened between August and October as I was just attending my regular checkups and everything was peachy. I have also been very busy with university and work.

Anyway, I have brilliant news. On the 31st of October (which was day 148 post op) I had my braces removed. The procedure was pretty straight forwards and I knew what to expect as it wasn't the first time I've had braces removed. It still felt strange though. My teeth are slippery smooth.

You can now see that my teeth are lovely and straight - a Hollywood smile (if I don't say so myself). I'm so pleased with the results. It was a long process, but definitely worth it.

Below is a picture that I found of myself from around Christmas time last year. My face looks so different (apart from losing half the hair). The surgery has made the tip of my nose slightly wider, but I won't complain about that. My face looks a lot more balanced and natural.

Now all I have to do is wear a clear plastic Essix retainer which is not a problem. It is a bit of pain having to take it out to eat and then brush my teeth again before it goes back in, but nothing compared to the awkwardness of surgery.

If you have anymore questions about my experiences, please do feel free to get in touch by leaving a comment below.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Hi Abi, congrats for completing your journey, your results are great! Thanks for sharing your progress. I've had my braces on since Feb. I'm getting a bit nervous now even though surgery is still quite far away, I've only told a couple of people about the surgery, just wondered how this aspect of it was for you are how people reacted to the changes in your appearance? Thanks Jodie

    1. Hi Jodie, thanks for your comment!
      Some people didn't notice or at least they haven't commented on it. It really depends on how observent people are. Some people say they can definitely tell and it was all worth it! It's different for everyone. :) x
