Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Post Op: Day 12

It's nearly been two weeks since my surgery - time is flying by. I'm feeling loads better than I did as well. Swelling has gone down a lot and I'm not in any pain. I haven't taken any pain relief in over a week, so things are going well.

My face still feels a bit frozen though! It's difficult for me to smile, but I keep trying. I miss being able to do a big cheesy grin because at the moment I look a bit miserable.

I also visited the orthodontist again! I can never get away. Now that my jaws have been moved, they're just trying to fix my bite so it's perfect. They've placed my elastics in all sorts of positions and now I can hardly open my mouth. However, he showed me how to change them myself and here's the photo so I can reference where to put them:

It's a bit scary, I know. I think my teeth are looking alright though. The only problem I am having is that I am only biting down on my left side, my right teeth don't touch, but we're fixing that. I'm going again on Thursday so I will keep you updated.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Hi Abi, it looks like you're doing great! I imagine it's onwards upwards from here on! I'm having my surgery on 22nd July - but for an underbite. It's really helpful following someone who is currently going through recovery (I neglected my blog for 2 years and now everyone has finished their treatment!)

    Beth x

    1. Thanks Beth! :) ♥ Good luck with your surgery. If you have any questions feel free to ask! I will check out your blog.

  2. You look great!! Your bite looks really good now.

    1. Thanks Wendy! I am getting there. :) I can't wait for my braces to be removed, but that might be a while away yet.

  3. Hi Abi! So relieved to here someone else is needing to fine tune the bite - I am definitely having a lot more contact on my right side than my left. My open bite at the front has closed, but now my molars don't meet together on the left side at the back. Frustrating! Good to know it can be sorted orthodontically :-)

    1. It's coming together a lot more now! It is nearly there. :) I'm going to post about it now.
      I hear they move the back molars out of the way before surgery because they are a nuisance and then after surgery they move them back. That's what my consultant has told me. :)
