Saturday, 14 June 2014

Post Op: First Appointment and Photos

Hello again,
I am now 9 days on and I am feeling better everyday. On Thursday I went for my first appointment with the orthodontist and surgeon since surgery. Both just had a look in my mouth and they were surprised how much my swelling has gone down! They say I'm doing really well. The orthadontist changed my elastics again. I wish they would show me how to change them myself so I can take them off and try and brush my teeth a bit better. It is the brushing of my teeth that I find most difficult because of all the hooks, elastics and I can't get far into my mouth. Has anyone got any tips?

I'm also ready to share some photos! I think they're a bit scary, but you can see my progress. If you want to find out about my first 0-6 days, you can read about it here.

Won't be winning any beauty contests with these:

The first two days after the day of surgery were the worst for me, but it got better from there. Bruising was worst on day 4 and 5, but it seems to be disappearing now which I think is pretty quick! Still got a bit of swelling though.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Heya! The difference between day 5 and 6 is brilliant!

    and as far as brushing goes as I said, baby tooth brush, but also long-stemed dental brushes? Takes a while but it gets all the fuzzy build up off your back teeth. Also swishing salt water helps clean- gross though!

    1. Thanks Sophie! :) I keep using my baby brush, but will try one of those dental brushes too.

  2. Wow you're recovering really well!! :) The swelling has gone down so much already, and it's only day 9!

    1. Thanks Wendy! Feeling a bit chubby around the cheeks still, but slowly coming down. :)
